Drought and resprouting plants

Many species have the ability to resprout vegetatively after a substantial loss of biomass induced by environmental stress, including drought. Many of the regions characterised by ecosystems where resprouting is common are projected to experience more frequent and intense drought during the 21st Century. However, in assessments of ecosystem response ...

Future Carbon in Australia

Climate projections show Australia becoming significantly warmer during the 21st century, and precipitation decreasing over much of the continent. Such changes are conventionally considered to increase wildfire risk. Nevertheless, we show that burnt area increases in southern Australia, but decreases in northern Australia. Overall the projected increase in fire is ...


The Land surface Processes and eXchanges (LPX) model is a fire-enabled dynamic global vegetation model that performs well globally but has problems representing fire regimes and vegetative mix in savannas. Here we focus on improving the fire module. To improve the representation of ignitions, we introduced a reatment of lightning ...

Using plant functional traits to predict ecosystem vulnerability to changing fire regimes

Australia lacks a coherent approach for synthesizing plant functional traits to predict the response of ecosystems to changing fire regimes. Large plant community datasets already exist for major ecosystems in Australia, from rainforests to deserts. This working group aimed to attribute species into fire persistence groups, with the objective of ...

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