

gitBasedProjects - for R

Provides extra functions for integrating R with git tracked projects. Allows linking code and outputs with information about git revision numbers and remote location. Also contains tools for setting up a project structure when freshly cloned. Feel free to clone and contribute to the package:

git clone https://github.com/douglask3/gitProjectExtras

Install and use

To insatll the package, first make sure you have R/Rstudio running and you have installed and loaded devtools:


Then run the following command to install and load Benchmark Metrics:


To see help files and examples of how to use:


Main function

Current git revision number

gitVersionNumber() will return the current version number see ?gitVersionNumber for more options.

Project URL

If you git based project is stored on a site such as github or bitbucket, gitRemoteURL() will return the sites URL. number see ?gitRemoteURL for more options.

In line git calls from R

Most (and soon all) the command line git calls are avaiable within R. For example, git.status() is equivalent to the command line call git status. Files can be added and commited using:

git.add(c('file1', 'file2', ...))

or even:

git.addCommit(c('file1', 'file2', ....), "message")

which is equivalent to the following inc ommand line:

git add file1 file2 ...
git commit -m "message"

see ?git for more commands and options.

More Info

click here for documentation.

Contact details

Douglas Kelley